Terms of Services

I- Definitions

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all bookings with Bidouan Tours

  • “we”, “us” “the company” and “our” – Bidouan Tours
  • “travel arrangements” – arrangements made by us on your behalf
  • “Price”- the *total* price of the travel arrangements

By making a reservation with us, you (the lead name on the booking) affirm that you have the position to tie all individuals from your group to these reservation terms and you accept liability as the lead name on the booking to make the installment and to get documentation in the interest of your group.

Any contract between you and us is not only subject to these terms and conditions but also is governed by Moroccan law and the jurisdiction of Moroccan courts. The contract goes into effect as soon as we issue a confirmation invoice and receive the deposit.

II- Make a booking, deposit & final payment

To make a booking, please email us at contact@bidouantours.com, call at +212 664-148801, or submit a request on our website contact page. Once agreed on the itinerary and services as a package “travel arrangements”, you must approve the proposal along with a deposit of 30% of the full price of your reservation which is payable by bank transfer, debit, or credit card. For certain services and hotels, a higher deposit amount might be required but you will be informed with respect to this upfront.

  • A nonrefundable deposit of 30% of the total price is required to confirm your booking.
  • A one-off payment for bookings less than six weeks before the start date of your travel arrangements.
  • Following receipt of your deposit/full payment, we will go ahead and confirm all your travel arrangements in writing. At this stage, we reserve the right to substitute services, routes, riads/hotels and change the price if necessary.
  • The balance of the price must be paid at least before the start your travel arrangements. If you do not pay the balance by the due date, we reserve the right to treat the reservation as canceled and apply the cancellation penalties below.

Please note that you are requested to share all the passengers’ names as they appear on their passports. The lead name of the booking is responsible for confirming the passport information and double-checking that dates and other elements of your trip are correct. You are also liable for meeting visa and passport requirements.

By bank card Visa or Mastercard, or over the phone or by SWIFT

A copy of the transfer receipt with bank references must be scanned and sent to Bidouan Tours company by e-mail or WhatsApp to +212 664-148801.

III- Amendments by the client

If you wish to make any changes to your booking after we have provided your confirmation, we will endeavor to accommodate you as much as possible, but adjustments may not always be possible. Any requests for adjustments must be made in writing by email, from the booking’s lead name. In addition to the costs of making the changes, you may be requested to pay an administration fee. If we are unable to make the changes for whatever reason, you have the option of continuing with your vacation as planned or canceling and incurring cancellation fees according to the scale below. Please be aware that many boutique hotels we use for our Morocco vacations have a one-month cancellation policy and require full payment during that time. As a result, any changes you seek, such as a hotel or riad cancellation within 30 days of your trip’s start date, may result in additional charges.

IV- Cancellation

If you need to cancel your Morocco vacation, you should notify us in writing through email. The cancellation of your travel arrangements will be effective as soon as we get a written cancellation notification. Depending on how far in advance of the departure date you give us notice, you may be charged a cancellation fee. This is due to the fact that canceling your reservation incurs fees for us.

The cancellation penalties are determined based on the number of days well before commencing of your travel plans that we receive written notification of cancellation:

  • More than 35 days: Loss of deposit + any non-refundable deposits paid to suppliers such as hotels during the high seasons when upfront full payment/deposit is needed to confirm lodgings.
  • Between 34 and 21 days – 60% of the total price
  • Less than 20 days – 100% of the total price

Clients are advised to purchase comprehensive insurance plans to cover them in the event of cancellation.The price of a private group booking is determined by the number of seats confirmed on the tour. A change in the number of people traveling, such as the cancellation of one or more seats, will have an impact on the sum that the remaining members of the group must pay.

We reserve the right to make changes to your reservation after it has been confirmed as long as we notify you in advance. If, prior to the beginning of the trip, we are forced to make minor changes to elements of your reservation due to circumstances beyond our control, we will notify you as soon as possible. Additionally, because of the nature of adventure travel, adjustments may be necessary from time to time (Due to weather conditions as an example), with the guests’ safety being a top concern.

Whilst we hope that we will never have to cancel your trip, it is inevitable that we will have to do so on rare occasions, and we reserve the right to do so. We will make every effort to provide alternatives of identical or superior quality.

V- Insurance

As a professional Moroccan travel agency, we are required by law to contract a Public Liability Insurance to cover our activities .

However, all types of insurance are your responsibility and you are advised to purchase an appropriate vacation travel insurance covering personal accidents, loss, expenses, and damages occurring as a result of, including but not limited to, medical/repatriation fees, loss of baggage, cancellation of travel arrangements partially or entirely, flight cancellations or delays. In fact, it is a condition to book with us, to hold adequate travel insurance and we may require a copy of your policy certificate for our records. we’ll not be liable for any costs incurred by you or any member of your party before, during, or after your tour as a consequence of inappropriate or insufficient travel insurance being purchased.

We also recommend that every participant should possess a policy number and emergency phone number of his/her insurance company or at least necessary required information about the company. We can recommend reliable travel insurance to contract for your Morocco trip on request.

VI- Liability

The company is responsible for making the travel arrangements and all the services ordered and paid by the client. That is to say to perform the contract without limitations. Please be aware that our custom trips may include activities of high risks such as quad bike, horse/camel ride or Sahara buggies and that by making your reservation with us, you recognize and agree that you are aware of the danger linked to these activities. As a result, you should obtain appropriate personal comprehensive travel insurance to cover all of the activities that may be included in your tour.
Except in cases involving death, illness or injury, damage caused intentionally or negligently, we accept liability should any part of your travel arrangements not be accurate/as described when you made your booking and not be of a decent standard. We will pay you fair compensation (limited to a maximum of two times the amount paid for that portion of the travel arrangements).
The company and its employees cannot be held responsible for the following events: delay or impossibility of a participant of presenting documents required in rule, loss of these documents or circumstances such as strikes, social events, accidents, death, loss of valuable items, bad weather, wars and loss of luggage or other effects.
The company cannot be held responsible for a cancellation imposed by circumstances having a character of a cause beyond control “Force Majeure stated above) and/or for reasons related to the safety of the participants.
The company cannot be held responsible for the accidents which would be due to the individual imprudence of a member of the group.
If the circumstances impose it, in particular, to ensure the safety of the whole group, for weather conditions or unexpected events, the company reserves directly the right or via its guides/drivers to substitute means of transport, a lodging, a route with another, as well as dates and starting schedules, with no refund to the participants.
Any interruption of the stay by the participant and for some cause could not be refunded. Each participant must conform to the rules of prudence and take the advice given by the guide and/or the driver.
The information contained on our website is given as an indication. We reserve ourselves the possibility of modifying them constantly.

VII- Hotels, private driver, Special requests & Assistance

The standards of riads hotels may vary significantly in Morocco following the local standards imposed by the ministry of tourism. Boutique hotels/riads/Kasbahs/Camps on your formal itinerary are not only subject to your approval but also to availability and can be replaced with similar in case of overbookings during the peak seasons or reason beyond our control. Rooms are secured ONLY after we receive the deposit/full payment, the confirmed lodgings will be reflected in your final itinerary and will be advised of any changes as this may result in an increase in the overall cost.
Your private driver/host cannot be your tour guide as this is a different status in Morocco and the governing laws of tourism. You can either opt to have both a tour guide and driver for the entire trip or just a private driver and local tour guides where necessary as example in the medinas of Fes, Tangier, Volubilis, Essaouira, & Marrakech. Although, our intention is to assign the same person as a private driver for the entire trip, for reasons beyond our control, we may be obliged to swap drivers with short notice during your trip. Seat belts are mandatory, so please make sure that you wear it as you travel in the vehicle, otherwise, you will be asked to pay a fine by the Moroccan police.
Whilst we will go above and beyond to accommodate with any special requests, we receive in writing at the time of booking, such as dietary, room preferences, specials facilities…etc. We are unable to guarantee compliance with such requests and won’t be considered as part of our contract. Thus, no compensation will be requested if such requests are not fulfilled.
As a local travel company, we are committed to assisting our guests during their stays in Morocco, we promise to go the extra mile and provide appropriate information, help with communications and alternative travel plans, we’ll try to accommodate flight delays or cancellations as much as we can but will not be held liable for arrangements out of the contract.

VIII- Documents & Visas

It is the responsibility of the traveler to obtain and carry documentation of citizenship, such as a valid passport, and any visas if required.

IX- Force Majeure

Force Majeure refers to “Unforeseeable and Extraordinary Circumstances” or situations beyond the control of the party who invokes it, the results of which could not have been anticipated even if all preventative measures had been taken. Situations that may include, but are not limited to Strikes, social events, accidents, natural disasters, death, terrorist activities/threats, problems with transportation, loss of items or documents, bad weather, terrorist activities, pandemics, wars, and loss of luggage or other effects. The company reserves the right to cancel or change your travel arrangements in the event of Force Majeure.

X- Complaints

If you perceive any lack of conformity throughout your trip or have any complaint, we encourage that you immediately inform your driver/host/guide/contact to help you remedy the problem or the relevant provider (e.g. your hotel receptionist) or call our emergency number at +212 664-148801 (WhatsApp included) to intervene and make the alternative arrangements that may be necessary, please remember that we are a local company and available around the corner to fix things on the ground. If the issue is not resolved or you are not satisfied with the steps taken to deal with your complaint, please write to our customer service within two weeks of your return and provide as many details as possible to investigate and deal with your dispute promptly.

XI- Privacy policy

This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.